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28 Newark Pompton Turnpike
Riverdale, NJ 07457
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Mr. Sinnaeve has 16 years of experience as a traffic accident investigator. He is currently employed as a Lieutenant in a medium sized police agency in northern New Jersey and has been an accident reconstructionist since 1999. As one of the traffic officers at his agency, he has been responsible for investigating, reconstructing and assisting in the criminal prosecution of serious and fatal motor vehicle collisions.

He has received specialized training in many aspects of accident reconstruction from the Institute of Police Technology and Management, Northwestern University Traffic Institute and regularly participates in traffic related seminars and symposiums. Because of his Marine Corps experience, Bob has been able to facilitate a sound liaison with many of our governmental agency clients.

Since joining John Desch Associates in 1995, he has reconstructed over 100 vehicle collisions. He has been a fully certified Accident Reconstructionist since 1999 as qualified by the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR).

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