
©2005 - 2007 John Desch Associates Inc.
28 Newark Pompton Turnpike
Riverdale, NJ 07457
tel: 973.616.9400
pager: 973.904.5361
fax: 973.616.9496
toll free: 877.JDA.9400
email: info@jda-inc.com

Every year, millions of individuals will be injured in accidents in which they have slipped or tripped and fallen. Of these accident victims, several hundred thousand will sustain permanent disability and thousands will die. Many if not most of these accidents could have been prevented by the use of reasonable care on the part of the victim or the occupier or owner of the premises on which the fall had occurred.

Discovery is an essential part of slip and fall cases. Since frequently there are no witnesses to the fall and no available testimony regarding the existence of a hazard on the walking surface, determination as to the existence of the hazard and its role in the causation of the fall must be established.

The qualified experts at JDA that analyze slip and fall accidents will investigate the alleged dangerous condition and assess the connection between the deficiency and the breach of duty in designing, constructing and maintaining the premises in a manner that would be consistent with applicable codes and standards of care.

Vehicle Accident Reconstruction
Serious Accident Response
Vehicle Inspections
Commercial Vehicles
Event Data Recorder
Construction Site Accidents
Slip and Fall Accidents
Work Zone Safety Analysis

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